Sexual maturation as early puberty

The doctors inspecting the problem advised me to monitor the early transformation best known as: "Early puberty".
After the initial sense of anxiety and confusion, I thought to myself: "It's unbelievable, my little child is becoming already a woman".
I decided to assure a healthy future to my daughter following with much attention the endocrinologist's advices as:
· Pelvic Ecography: to monitor the ovaries, uterus and follicles dimension to see if the child is ready for menstruation.
· Left wrist X ray: to control the bone growing since if becomes too soon there is the probability the child's eight stops with the beginning of menstruation, risking to remain under-average against to her classmates.
· Blood exam: hormonal dosage DEHA-S (sexual hormones. By checking the hormones dosage to value the function sexual glands either female or male), glycemia and diabetes.
The early puberty also involves the children from the age of 9 to 14 years, revealing with following signs:
- developing armpit, pubic and facial hair;
- penis growing and testicular enlargement.
The early puberty for little girls begins between the age of 8 to 13 years.
While for the female eight amount begins with the growing the breast, for male the growing stars at mid premature development.
Psychological consequences.
An important phase and most of all not to under estimate is the "psychological disturbs" which may provoke the early puberty in the child, who faces physical transformations for which still is not ready and causes in her a sense of diversity and isolation against her classmates.
After learning that also my child is in the early puberty phase, a question which worried me was: "How to explain to my little child her sexual transformation? To my baby who still plays with dolls and loves the fairy tales?".
The answer I achieved to find only in the deep of my heart, creating with her a very confidential and lovely dialogue, explaining her in clear and comprehensive words , what was happening at her body.
We can do a lot to monitor the early puberty following few, but precise rules:
- to control the body weight, avoiding to become obese or overweight;
- to educate the children to a daily physical activity;
- to insert in their hypercaloric diet, meat without xeno-estrogens (giving
hormones to fatten and grow the animals rapidly) as: chicken, beef and
pork's meat.
These chemical substances are present in:
- DDT (pesticide for agricultural production);
- industrial detersive;
- canned food.
The overexposition of such hormones causes an increase of womens cancer to:
- breast, uterus, endometrium and ovaries;
and for men to:
- prostate, testicular and male sterility.
So, to prevent the early puberty:"WATCH OUT TO THE BIOLOGICAL CLOCK".
Labels: early puberty, health, nutrition, sexual transformation
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