How to monitor weight loss?

Too much TV-->Too much junk-food-->Lack physical activity = OBESITY.
Childhood obesity is a disease that goes treated with the professional support like: doctors, dietists and psycologists could provide help kids to start this slow and difficult way.The prevention is basic if assisted through a "Program" based on self-control.
The rules of prevention are:
- To reduce the sedentariness: to avoid that our children spend most of their time watching TV and playing videogames influenced by marketing, misleading advertising about softdrinks, hypercaloric snack and other foods.
- Daily physical activity: a long walking is surely healtier and is the equivalent to waste energy almost 3 times higher than that obtained spending the same time watching TV. Especially are suggested: swimming and biking. The benefits of physical activity are many, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases to improvement of mental health.
- Balanced nutrition: the dietetic therapy beyond having the purpose to reduce the weight of child also should educate him and his family to stable nutrition looking for:
- To reduce the caloric insertion.
- To introduce meals that makes feel gratified.
- To control the introduction of fat and proteins of animal origins.
- To increase the contribution of carbohydrates to high absorption like fruit and vegetables.
- To dicrease the quantity of sample sugar.
- To increase the income of fibers with integral food and the daily insertion of vitamins and minerals.
The overweight's reduction must be gradual and at long-term. Planning new nutrional habits either in the child's life or in all family, preventing mistakes in the nutrion from the part of the family members.
The child must feel himself like a protagonist of choosing the food respecting the right nutrition and not to consider the hypercaloric diet an order.
To not become overweight and to live in healthy way it's very important to give a "rhythm" to the daily nutrition.
To the 3 main meals, namely:
- breakfast
- dinner;
is necessary to add 2-3 light snacks as: yogurth, some fruit or milk avoiding snacks and cracker hypercaloric.
All this to avoid getting the child at the table too starved.
A health feeding education is checking the food's quality but also the quantity of the consumed food.
Concluding: a good quality = a right quantity.
Eating smarter and being more active!!!
Labels: diet, hypercaloric food, physical activity, sedentariness