Diabetes + Obesity= Diabesity

The american scientist J. Freidman (molecular geneticist) has discovered a hormone – the leptina – which, produced from adipose tissue, it would pass to the brain the hunger sensation and the gene's mutation of the obesity would provoke an insatiable hunger carrying to the overweight.
So, the obesity is not caused only from our life style and the unhealthy eating habits, but also from our genes.
The obesity does not depend on the amount of the weight of the body but the amount of the fat of the body and specifically from the adipose tissue.
The recent accomplished studies revealed that the obese children for the excessive fat storage in the abdominal area have a reduction of insulin efficiency which the body needs to convert the glucose in energy, with the result that the pancreas works producing insulin more and more and at the end it can be exhausted causing the diabetes a disease that according to the expectations will reach epidemic proportions.
This shows that there's a close tie between the two diseases that goes of equal step, in fact the 80% of the diabetics are overweight, the factors that are in common the obesity with the type 2 diabetes are:
- sedentary life;
- abundant food choice;
- unhealthy eating habits.
The diabetes can cause cardiovascular troubles as:
- heart attack;
- ictus;
- renal insufficiency;
- arteriopathy:
- infections.
The bad news:
there's no way to healing from diabetes.
But the cures of this disease in last years are much improved because it's understood that is better to act from the first phase reducing the damages.
If before it was aimed to temporize now at the first signs begins an instant targeted cure, so acting first and also in customized way, considering more factors like pressure values or cholesterol levels with the purpose to choose the right cure.
The good news:
if the available therapies are followed up with constance it's possible leading a regular life.
The therapy's target is keeping the glycaemia to the “normal level”.
When to a child is diagnosed the type 2 diabetes he must be taught to monitor the disease, like measuring the glycaemia, the kind of physical activity and the diet that he must follow up.
If the child during the diagnosis is in good health, he'll be submitted to a program of physical exercises, but otherwise it'll be necessary giving up the insulin administration.
Keeping under control:
- the eyes;
- kidneys;
- the blood pressure.
The principal ingredients for the successful healthy life are: “WEIGHT FORM, BALANCED DIET AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY”.
Labels: childhood obesity, diabetes, glicemia, type 2 diabetes, unhealthy eating habits